Insight. Release. Create

6 Week In Depth Online Program

Upcoming Sessions



Creating YOU 2.0 is a 6 week transformational online program for women wanting to upgrade their old version of themselves.  This program will allow you to get to know YOU.  It will help you release the old tired YOU and get clear so you can create the new more authentic YOU 2.0.

Your happiness is not only your choice but your responsibility!  This program will show you how!

This session will run through May 25, 2022 - Wednesdays at 6:30PM CST.



Creating YOU 2.0 is a 6 week transformational online program for women wanting to upgrade their old version of themselves.  This program will allow you to get to know YOU.  It will help you release the old tired YOU and get clear so you can create the new more authentic YOU 2.0.

Your happiness is not only your choice but your responsibility!  This program will show you how!

This session will run through July 6, 2022 - Wednesdays at 6:30PM CST.



6 Week Session Registration

  • Creating YOU 2.0 is a 6 week content rich online program for those women wanting to create a big life change, to upgrade their old version of themselves. This program will help release the old, get clear, and create the new more authentic YOU.
    Each week has deep and insightful exercises that, if applied, will absolutely empower YOU to change your life!
  • $0.00